Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April Update

I have been busy the past little while going out into the forests, desert, and other places in nature to gather things.
I have gathered all the pollen I can for now, all the buds have gone away to make way for leaves. I snatched up some balm of Gilead buds, fern, moss, tree thorns, pine cones of all sizes, and various other things. I was lucky enough to find and dig up with the roots some wild catnip, mullein, and western mugwort. They are sitting happily in my garden now where I care for them. I never take more than I plan to use and leave offerings in return.
I currently also have a dead snake that I found near a river that I carefully collected. It will be cleaned up and it’s bones will be used for various things later. It will be awhile before I can use the bones but worth the wait. A friend of mine is going to clean them for me and the method in which he does it will take awhile.

In the desert many things were seen including three baby big horned owls. Many natural crystals and two kinds of sand were collected.

IMAG0085The baby owls are in the hole third from the left. There was no way to get a closer picture sadly from where I was.


On another adventure, close to a river and a pond I came across a mother goose and her eggs.
mother goose eggs
mother goose

Obviously in nesting she had shed a lot of feathers, some of which were larger and further away from the nest. So now I have a handful of goose feathers along with one or two duck feathers.

In the midst of the several forest and desert outings (you had better believe I have many more planned) I also finished a painting “Dracula’s Castle” on 9x12 canvas, done in acrylic paints. Picture is of Dracula's Castle at sunset.
draculas castleThe painting is available for purchase. If interested please send me a message for the details.

I found some interesting branches that I plan to turn into wands and possibly other things depending on how much is used for what. Some of them have some really interesting twists to them which is part of the reason I grabbed them. I think I need better tools before tackling those though.

I have also been working on some talismans, sigils, seals and things of that nature. The talismans are drawn onto tea stained paper. 
talismansYou cant really see the roots but both drawings have roots. The one on the right is of a tree with seals, oghams, and runes. Its not quite finished yet but its in the making. The one on the left is the start of a talisman. Both the tree and the mushroom represent the person, inside influences, outside influences, and so on. The mushroom will have seals and symbols put on it soon. The talismans are custom made for the needs of that person.

I am deciding on which oils to make next. Obviously an oil for Litha, the Summer Solstice, being on the list. I will most likely be making a kit as well for Litha.

I was thinking about making a starter kit filled with many different kinds of herbs, woods, stones, and other things one would need for various practices. I would most likely have a few variations to it.  Possibly allow for some customization. I do not have one put together right now but if this is something you want or need in the near future please let me know.

I have not gotten much feedback as of yet on the treasure hunt idea so that is being put on hold for now. I will most likely bring it up again at a later date. Possibly sometime during the Summer.

Anyways, time for me to get back to my crafting.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Cascarilla "Sigil" Powder and Graveyard Dirt

2011-03-09 15.40.17

~Cascarilla "Sigil" Powder~
Cascarilla "Sigil powder" is white eggshells that have been ground down with a mortar and pestle to a fine powder. It is commonly found being used within Santeria, Haitian Vodou, Hoodoo, and South American folk magic. European traditions use it as well.
It is used for drawing sigils, runes, and other ritual symbols for rites of magic. Sigils can be used to draw down the gods, to call spirits from the otherworld, and raise up ancestors from the underworld.
Traditionally this powder is dusted on the body to protect from spirit possession and acts as a shield to protect from psychic or magical attacks.
In South American magical traditions it is used for healing physical or supernatural illness and can be used for spiritual cleansing.
The powder can be sprinkled around your home, work, or anywhere you wish to create a peaceful environment.
Cascarilla is also known as "peace powder" in some areas.
This bag is 1oz by weight and is $5.00 + shipping

E-mail me if you need a bag bigger than 1oz and I will give you a price quote.

graveyard dirt

~Graveyard Dirt~
Graveyard dirt is commonly used in hoodoo and witchcraft, though has been used in other traditions as well. Graveyard dirt aids in spell work, it can be added to mojo bags, amulets, sachets, or witches bottles for added power. Graveyard dirt is commonly used in rituals and spells that involve banishing, protection from spirits, negative energies, and exorcism. Can be used as a stand alone ritual aid or in conjunction with other ingredients and tools you may be using for a particular ritual or spell.
Graveyard dirt enhances whatever it is you are trying to accomplish whether it be good or bad (I will not be held responsible for any negative repercussions of using this product)
This dirt was collected from a really old cemetery that is not even on any of the counties records. The graves it was taken from date back to the civil war and indian wars. There is an unmarked Indian burial ground near by the cemetery in which this dirt was taken from. In the respectful proper manner of course. No spirits were angered in the taking of this graveyard dirt.
The dirt was collected at night under the full moon.
Use it in all workings regarding protection, love, communicating with / invoking spirits, and laying tricks on your enemies among other things.
This is a very old cemetery filled with lots of old but very potent energy. Life was flowing up out the grave in the form of a large bush that surrounded the tombstone on three sides.
The dirt may contain some small stones, twigs, grass or other bits of shrubs that were in the dirt around the grave.
The cemetery the dirt was taken from had both dirt and sand within the ground, so you will most likely find a mixture of the two in varying degrees.
This is NOT goofers dust but is apart of the appropriate formula to make goofers dust.

This is a 2.5oz (by weight) bag of graveyard dirt.
This bag is $5.00 + shipping

E-mail me if you have any questions or would like to purchase any of these items. I wanted to remind everyone that I do offer combined shipping on orders. You can save money on things that are priced lower,like the herb vials and salve samples, when you buy multiple items and combine the shipping.
Don’t forget to look at other posts from this blog or look up Lotus Moon Apothecary’s Facebook Page for more items currently available for purchase.

Herb Vials and Spell Dust Vials

2011-03-09 15.42.41

~Lavender Herb Vial~
Lavender Also known as "Elf Leaf"
Is associated with Mercury and is an air herb.
Lavender...brings peace, joy, healing and love to the home (often sprinkled on the church floors in medieval times. When stepped on, releases its marvelous centering, calming, and balancing aroma.
Lavender is strewn into bonfires at Midsummer as an offering to the Gods and Goddesses. An ingredient of love spells, its scent is said to attract men. Lavender in the home brings peace, joy, and healing. Lavender is worn, carried, and placed in the ritual cup. Lavender, if worn, protects against abuse from a spouse. The joyful scent of lavender is welcome at baby blessing rituals.
It is an herb used in; Handfasting, healing, purification, peace, happiness, harmony, love, sleep, Devotion and luck.
Vials are 1/2 an inch wide and 3 inches long (not including the length of the glass ball) Glass ball is sealed to the vial with candle wax. Wax can be removed to get to the herbs inside the vials. Vials can be carried with you or placed on the altar alternatively if you do not wish to open the vials.
Vials filled with lavender are $1.00 each + shipping

2011-03-09 15.43.18
~Yellow Rose Petal Vial~
The rose is a Goddess herb belong to Venus and the Water element.
Roses, of course are often associated with - Love, romance, passion
Rose - Rose buds are added to bath water to conjure a lover. Place some in a red cloth bag and pin it under your clothes. Roses are used in; Handfasting, peace, protection, and is a an aphrodisiac.
Rose petals can be used in fairy magic, especially for love spells. The scent of roses is a powerful attracting force to the Faery.
Roses are associated with Aphrodite, Eros, Isis, and Freya
Vials are 1/2 an inch wide and 3 inches long (not including the length of the glass ball) Glass ball is sealed to the vial with candle wax. Wax can be removed to get to the herbs inside the vials. Vials can be carried with you or placed on the altar alternatively if you do not wish to open the vials.
Vials filled with yellow rose vials are $1.00 each + shipping
2011-03-09 15.44.17

~Red Clover Herb Vial~
Is associated with Mercury and is an air and earth herb.
Red Clover - Carry some flowers in your purse or pocket as a protective charm and to attract a new love.
It is used in; Protection, money, love, fidelity, exorcism, success, and luck.
Vials are 1/2 an inch wide and 3 inches long (not including the length of the glass ball) Glass ball is sealed to the vial with candle wax. Wax can be removed to get to the herbs inside the vials. Vials can be carried with you or placed on the altar alternatively if you do not wish to open the vials.
Vials filled with Red clover vials are $1.00 each + shipping

~Calendula aka "Marigold" herb vial~
Associated with The Sun and fire.
Marigold : Protection, Prophetic Dreams, used for favorable predictions. Under the mattress encourages prophetic dreams and helps dreams to come true!
Calendula is carried into court for a favorable verdict. Added to bath water, it helps attract respect and admiration. Known as "summer's bride," the yellow calendula embodies the Sun's fire and life-sustaining virtue.
Vials are 1/2 an inch wide and 3 inches long (not including the length of the glass ball) Glass ball is sealed to the vial with candle wax. Wax can be removed to get to the herbs inside the vials. Vials can be carried with you or placed on the altar alternatively if you do not wish to open the vials.
This vial is $1.00 + shipping

~Mugwort "Felon herb" herb vial~
Is associated with Venus & Earth
Mugwort - Mugwort is said to protect travelers from fatigue, sunstroke, wild animals, and evil spirits. A tea or a pillow of it brings vivid prophetic dreams and helps one to contact the astral realm. Use the tea and incense to help in scrying. Use it to wash magick mirrors and crystal balls.
Magick mirrors are best cleansed both physically and psychically by a mixture of mugwort and cidar-vinegar. You can also smudge any magick mirrors.
Mugwort is used in: Protection, healing, clairvoyance, summoning spirits, manifestations, dreams and for consecrating any items used in this manner.
This herb is associated with Artemis (god of the moon, hunting, and wild beasts)
Vials are 1/2 an inch wide and 3 inches long (not including the length of the glass ball) Glass ball is sealed to the vial with candle wax. Wax can be removed to get to the herbs inside the vials. Vials can be carried with you or placed on the altar alternatively if you do not wish to open the vials.
This vial is $1.00 + shipping
St johns wort
St. John’s Wort Herb Vial
~ St. John's Wort is a Druid sacred herb. The Celts passed it through the smoke of the summer solstice fire, then wore it into battle for invincibility. The people of Scotland wore it as a charm against faery influence.
St. John's Wort ...blooms around the time of St. John the Baptist's death...yellow, five petaled flowers...each with a tiny red spot at its edge. It is also used for mild depression as well as helps calm the nerves other nerve pain.
Vials are 1/2 an inch wide and 3 inches long (not including the length of the glass ball) Glass ball is sealed to the vial with candle wax. Wax can be removed to get to the herbs inside the vials. Vials can be carried with you or placed on the altar alternatively if you do not wish to open the vials.
This vial is $1.00 + shipping
~Thyme herb vial~
Associated with Venus and water
Thyme : Health, Healing, Sleep, Psychic Powers, Love, Purification, Courage, protection, and is one of the herbs used at funerals.
Thyme was used to purify temples by the Greeks. It is burned to purify a ritual space and used in the ritual bath to wash away the sorrows of the past. It is worn or added to the ritual cup to aid in communing with the deceased. (It also helps one to see Otherworldly entities such as fairies.)
Wearing a sprig of thyme is said to help one to see fairies. Dried, powdered thyme, sprinkled on doorsteps and windowsills, is an invitation to the fae into your home. Wild thyme, gathered from the side of a fairy mound, is especially potent for use in fairy magic. Thyme helps maintain health, and the conscious mind.
Thyme is Druid sacred herb. It repels negativity and depression.
Vials are 1/2 an inch wide and 3 inches long (not including the length of the glass ball) Glass ball is sealed to the vial with candle wax. Wax can be removed to get to the herbs inside the vials. Vials can be carried with you or placed on the altar alternatively if you do not wish to open the vials.
This vial is $1.00 + shipping

Exorcism and banishing negative energies

Exorcism and Banishing Spell Dust Vial
Made with seven different herbs during the new moon that are used in exorcism, banishing negative energies, and also have hex breaking properties.
Spell dusts are useful to have around being that they can be used for a variety of magical purposes.
It can be sprinkled around windowsills and doorways, around candles (black candles work best for this spell dust) as well as sprinkled over the candles when performing a banishing spell. They can be blown into the wind, buried under your porch, tree, or in your garden. Spell dusts can be used as offerings to the deities, as well as other otherworldly beings such as faeries. Sprinkled or placed on your altar. You can carry the vial with you for added power or protection. The spell dust can be added to mojo bags, poppets, and sachets. They are often used in spell castings and rituals as well. This spell dust can also be used anywhere you feel you need cleansing and purification. This is a great vial to have if you have unwanted spirits in your home, influencing you, unwanted visitors, or even stagnant negative energy.
Vials are 1/2 an inch wide and 3 inches long (not including the length of the glass ball) Glass ball is sealed to the vial with candle wax. Wax can be removed to get to the herbs inside the vials.
This Spell Dust Vial is $2.00 + shipping
psychic protection
Psychic Protection Spell Dust Vial
Made with eight different herbs during the full moon that are known to aid in psychic protection.
Spell dusts are useful to have around being that they can be used for a variety of magical purposes.
It can be sprinkled around windowsills and doorways, around candles (purple or light blue candles work best with this spell dust, white can also be a substitute if need be) as well as sprinkled over the candles when performing a banishing spell. They can be blown into the wind, burried under your porch, tree, or in your garden. Spell dusts can be used as offerings to the deities, as well as other otherworldly beings such as faeries. Sprinkled or placed on your altar. You can carry the vial with you for added power or protection. The spell dust can be added to mojo bags, poppets, and sachets. They are often used in spell castings and rituals as well.
Sprinkle wherever you need protection. Sprinkle before exercising your psychic gifts. Hold the vial or lightly dust your hands; which hold and distribute a lot of your energy, before meditation or astral projection. Sprinkle in room prior to meditation or religious rituals to protect yourself from psychic attack during the times you will be using more energy.
This is a great spell dust to have on hand if you are psychic, a medium, sensitive to people and things, are being attacked psychically and need protection, if you are feeling overly paranoid, or feel like you have too many voices going through your mind that you feel should not be there.
Vials are 1/2 an inch wide and 3 inches long (not including the length of the glass ball) Glass ball is sealed to the vial with candle wax. Wax can be removed to get to the herbs inside the vials.
This Spell Dust Vial is $2.00 + shipping

herb vials
~Custom herb vials and spell dusts~
Herb vials are $1.00 each
Spell dust vials can be made for a specific purpose or you can choose the herbs you wish turned into a dust.
Spell dust vials are $2.00 each and you can pick up to 4 herbs to be powdered and mixed into the vial. Each additional herb added is $0.25 in addition to the two dollars.
Vials are 3 inches long by 1/2 an inch wide (this does not include the length of the glass ball) The glass ball will be sealed to the vial with candle wax. Wax can be removed to get to the herbs inside the vials. Vials can be carried with you or placed on the altar alternatively if you do not wish to open the vials.
~Herbs and other items to choose from for in the vials~
Lavender buds and flower blooms
Red clover
Marigold "Calendula"
Rose petals (Red, Pink, Yellow)
Lemon Balm
Jasmine flower petals
Sage *Powdered*
Orange peel
Birch bark
Maple bark
Oak bark
Bay Laurel
St. Johns wort
Sea salt
Pine sap
Graveyard dirt
More herbs to be added later!

I wanted to remind everyone that I do offer combined shipping on orders. You can save money on things that are priced lower,like the herb vials and salve samples, when you buy multiple items and combine the shipping.

Please E-mail me if you wish to purchase any of these vials or have any questions. Don’t forget to check out other posts from this blog or look up the Lotus Moon Apothecary Facebook page to see other items currently available for purchase.

Lotus Moon’s Healing Salve

I am happy to announce a new salve has been added to the shop.
The Lotus Moon’s Healing Salve is now available for purchase. 
Scroll down to read about this new wonderful salve.

Lotus Moons healing salve lotus moons healing salve front lotus moons healing salve with cap off

~Lotus Moon's Healing Salve~
This magical salve was created on a Sunday during the beginning of a Waxing Moon.
This wonderful salve is great for promoting circulation as well as has soothing and anti-inflammatory herbs.

This salve is good for use on varicose veins, spider veins, places with poor circulation, stretch marks, cysts, and cellulite. It can also be applied to the neck for pains, especially if the pain is due to stiff muscles, poor circulation, or pinched nerves.
There are no essential oils used in making this salve. This salve was made with all natural herbs and roots. This is not a thick, sticky, or greasy salve. This salve is very smooth, absorbs easily, and feels like a light oil when rubbed on.
It should not stain your clothing though a small amount of oil residue if worn under clothing is possible and easily washed out.

Ingredients: Elf Leaf, ginger root, thyme, safflower oil, vitamin e oil, beeswax.
This salve can also be used in rituals and spells.

Below is a list of the properties of the herbs, which gives you an idea of the other ways this salve could be used.

Elf Leaf- is an air herb and aids in: protection, healing, love, joy, devotion, peace, purification, & cleansing.

Ginger - Ginger is a fire herb. It enhances all spells, especially love spells, being a spicy and "hot" herb. GINGER gives fiery protection from evil; it also heats up love affairs and sexuality. Its also good in matters of prosperity and success.

Thyme- is a water herb Health, Healing, Sleep, Psychic Powers, Love, Purification, Courage, protection, and is one of the herbs used at funerals. It also repels negativity and depression.

This is a sample size and comes in a .5oz jar and is $3.00 + shipping
2 oz jars are also available for purchase and are $13.00 + shipping

Please specify which size you want to buy when ordering.
2oz jars look different than the sample size jars do. The 2 oz jars are glass with lock and seal flip top lids.

E-mail me if you would like to purchase a jar or have any questions.
I wanted to remind everyone that I do offer combined shipping on orders. You can save money on things that are priced lower,like the herb vials and salve samples, when you buy multiple items and combine the shipping.

Don’t forget to look through other blog posts from this blog, or go to the Lotus Moon Apothecary Facebook Page to see other items currently available for purchase.

New Bat Earrings

2011-03-09 16.03.37

Bat Earrings
These earrings hang 2 inches and feature garnet gemstones, Snowflake Obsidian, and Tibetan silver.
About the stones:
Gentle Energy, Loyalty, Passion, Love, Self-Esteem

Snowflake Obsidian
All varieties of obsidian are good utilized as grounding and protective agents - The snowflake in particular helps us surrender or let go of negative habits or past pathways. It will bring about opportunity for change, serenity, and clarity.

Aids in healing as well as magical protection. It is also attributed with increasing psychic ability and intuition. It is said to influence change in people as well as instill a person with adaptability. Silver enhances mental function, aids circulation, strengthens blood, physically and spiritually. It is said to relieve stress. Silver relates to the moon and subconscious aspects.

This pair of earrings is $12.50 + shipping

E-mail me if you are interested in purchasing this pair of earrings or have any questions. Also check out other blog postings or look at the photo albums on the Lotus Moon Apothecary Facebook Page for more earrings currently available for purchase.

New Wooden Pendulums

There are a lot of new items being made recently. One of the things I was able to make were some more wooden pendulums. I have a couple of each types of wood made. I just took pictures of one from each type of tree. When that one sells I will take pictures of the next one to post up. You will get the one in the picture posted, if you would like pictures of the others let me know and I can take some.

None of these have any symbols burnt into them.
Runes, oghams, or other symbols (depending on the symbol and size of pendulum) can be burnt onto the pendulum upon request for an additional fee.
Please send me a message if you are interested in having this done to your pendulum.

Please keep in mind I only ship to the US currently.

birch pendulum

Birch Pendulum
Pendulum was made from a branch that had naturally fallen from the tree.

A little under 1 1/2 inches in length and 1/2 an inch around.

Birch-Called the "birth-tree,"
Associated with the Mother Goddess, it has been used in healing and for magical besom brooms. It also symbolizes the return of spring. Traditionally you consecrate it to Thor. The birch protects you against lightning. Birch is also associated with; birth, beginnings, and encouragement.
This pendulum is $8.00 + $2.00 shipping.

maple pendulum

Maple Pendulum

Pendulum was made from a branch that had naturally fallen from the tree.
Pendulum is 1 1/2inches in length and a little over 1/4 an inch around.

Maple (Shorin) -Earth

Sacred to Alban Elved (the Autumnal Equinox) because of its fiery red and orange colors as its leaves turn -- a bold celebration of the season and the cycle of death and rebirth. Maple is a strongly masculine wood, somewhat rebellious and tough, but with a beautiful smooth grain. Well-suited to spells of sending and communication, binding, transmutations, creation, revolution, rebirth, healing, beauty, art, and abundance.
This pendulum is $10.00 + $2.00 shipping

oak pendulum

Oak Pendulum

Pendulum was made from a branch that had naturally fallen from the tree.Pendulum is 2 inches in length and 1/2in in width.

The pendulum comes on a 10 inch chain.
Oak is the tree of - power, endurance, strength, triumph of life, fatherhood.
It is also associated with the Norse god Frey, and the primary wood of the sacred fire of the Goddess. Oak is associated with fertility, ancestry, and love.

This pendulum is $10.00 + $2.00 shipping

Please E-mail me if you would like to purchase any of these items or have any questions.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Welcoming Spring

In welcoming Spring I have planted my herb and flower garden.
Lots of wonderful things were planted that are already springing up through the soil.
Things  like; Hyssop, calendula, mint, and yarrow were planted among many others. The seeds were blessed under the super moon.
I hope everyone got a chance to see the bright moon. It was beautiful. When I first saw it lower on the horizon it was a dusty gold color. The moon then became a bright white as it moved higher up in the sky.

The seeds will sprout indoors for awhile and then go outdoors to soak up the suns rays. By then the weather will be a bit more sunny.
It has been far too long since I have had an herb garden or much a garden in general. I had a flower garden with a only a couple small pots of herbs to tend to last year. There were a lot of beautiful brightly colored flowers all through summer. This year I think it is time to focus more on herbs I can harvest and use.
It will be awhile yet until there is anything harvestable from the plants.

2011-03-24 17.26.16
Photo was taken about four days after being planted. The calendula sprouting in the photo is now about three times the size now.

Lots of oils, balms, salves, dried herb vials, magical spell dusts, and hopefully herbal sugars will be made from these herbs among many other things. 

The weather here was very bi-polar not long ago. All the rain, wind, overcast, and even snow which lasted all of an hour and thankfully did not stick. It seems everyone else was having strange weather as well.  Thankfully it has been getting warmer and the sun is coming out more and for longer periods of time. It has been in the mid to upper sixties all this week, it’s wonderful.

I will be crafting a lot of new items. Especially during late Spring and Summer.
If there are any items you would like to see me make or would like to see more of, let me know and I can see about putting it on the list. 
Even if its just items for a general use that works too.  A lot of my products are intended to help you with your magical workings, which is why I like to ask; what is it you need, want, would like to see in my shop?

Even if it is something you just like that is not there to aid anything mention it to me.  I love hearing input from all of you so do not ever be shy about giving it.

I have recently posted up new pictures of new herb vials, graveyard dirt, and sigil powder, along with a few other items.
I am working on powdering more sigil powder so if anyone needs more than a 1 oz bag let me know.

I picked up a variety of beautiful glass corked bottles recently, so you know there will be lots of new oils to come later! If you would like an oil made for a specific purpose, ritual, or want a specific blend for a ritual massage oil let me know.  

These ones are the 2oz bottles.
glass bottles smaller
                        #1                                         #2                               #3
And these are the 4 oz bottles
glass bottles larger 
                                                                     #4                           #5                  #6                   #7
I want to know which bottles everyone likes best? I like to keep a variety of glass bottles, but its still nice to know what ones are everyone’s favorites.
I put a number under each bottle to make it easier to just give a number for which one(s) you like.

Lotus Moon Apothecary