I have posted most (but not all) of the new products I have for sale in the Lotus Moon Apothecary's Facebook Shop Page Check out the facebook page and click “like” to get the latest updates on new products.
I wanted to post up the new products I have for sale on here as well. I will most likely be making another post to cover the rest of the items.
I made more than one of each item. Many sold and I had enough left over to post up in the shop. I can make more of most of the items if someone needs more than the amount I have on stock. Just let me know how many you would need and we can see what we can’t do about making them for you.
Lavender smudging sticks/wands
Currently have 4 around 6inch and 4 9 inch in stock.
3~ 6in in black string, 1 in white.
2~ 9 inch in black string.
2~ 9 inch in purple string.
the string is wrapped in a crisscross pattern and knotted at each wrap around so that the string does not unravel as soon as it is lit and could be used more than once if desired. Lavender used in the making of this wand was hand picked under the moon then dried out before wrapping into wands.
Smudging is a way of using the smoke from burning herbs as a way to cleanse the body, an object, or a given area of negative influences.
~Color meanings~
Purple: Power, success, idealism, psychic manifestations; ideals for rituals to secure ambitions, independence, financial rewards, or to make contact with the spiritual other world.
Black: Opens up the deeper levels of the unconscious; use in rituals to induce a deep meditative state, or to banish evil or negativity as in uncrossing rituals.
White: A balance of all colors; Spiritual enlightenment, cleansing, clairvoyance, healing, truth seeking; Rituals involving lunar energy, as well as blessings.
Each 6 inch smudge stick is $3.75 + shipping
Each 9 inch smudge stick is $5.00 + shipping
Wooden rune set
These runes are between 1/2 of an inch around.
Includes 24 Elder Futhark pocket size runes. If you would like a blank rune added to the set please let me know when you go to order them so I can add it in the bag. otherwise there will not be one in there.
Rune set comes in a small voile bag.
Instructions on how to use the runes and each of the runes meanings do not come with the bag but can be emailed or printed out and sent along with the set upon request.
This rune set is $8.00 + shipping
I currently have 2 rune sets this size in stock
~Lavender Ritual Massage Oil~
This oil is infused with lavender buds during the proper moon phase and correspondences.
There is no essential oils added to this oil. Only the herbs were used to create this wonderfully scented ritual oil.
~About the herbs~
Lavender is associated with the planet Mercury and is an Air herb. It is associated with Midsummer. Is a good oil to use for the crown, third eye, or even the throat chakra.
This oil is good for general massage as well as; Love, healing, harmony, peace, sleep, devotion, and it is an herb used in handfastings. It also helps to stimulate the conscious mind.
*Allergy warning- contains grapeseed oil.
Comes in a 6oz corked bottle with a Tibetan silver moon charm on the ribbon.
This bottle of oil is $10 + shipping.
I currently have two of these bottles in stock.
~Purification Oil~
This oil was created on a Saturday during the proper moon phase and hour with herbs associated with purification.
There is a crystal in the oil at the bottom of the bottle.
This oil could be used in rituals, to anoint the body, your home, your office, altar, tools, jewelry, basically anything that needs purified.
*Allergy warning- contains grapeseed oil.
Oil comes in a unique 2oz glass corked bottle that has a tibetan silver moon charm on the blue ribbon.
Each bottle is $6.00 + shipping
I currently have 2 bottles available. (The bottles you see above)
Hollow Moon Pendant necklace
Pendant is 2" inches around and features a brown leafless tree and a translucent dark honey brown gemstone moon.
Spirals adorn the root and moon areas of the tree.
This pendant comes on a 17 inch hematite chain and is $24.99 + shipping
Since the gemstone is a honey color I will give you associations with both brown and yellow stones.
Brown stones~ Counteracts restlessness and giddiness. It is a stabilizer of the mind and a giver of direction. Brown stones influence friendships, special favors, and aid in healing animals. It cleanses & protects the astral field. It aids against hyperactivity & excess energy; grounding. It is associated with North and Capricorn.
Yellow stones~ Are associated with the mind and healing or speaking. It aids in mental growth and helps with increased speed in learning. It also enhances the bodys' healing energy, diminishes self-destructive tendencies, and helps to raise self-esteem. Warming, energizing. Attracts abundance. Heightens visualization and communication abilities. Great for aid in writing, public speaking, travel. A protective stone, and good for healing, especially disorders of the stomach, nervous system, and skin. It is associated with East and Mercury.
~ Mojo Bags ~
The word mojo is related to the West African word "mojuba" which means prayer of praise and homage. So a mojo bag is a "prayer in a bag" basically a "spell you carry."
Mojo bags are also commonly referred to as "gris-gris" bags which is a French spelling of the African word "gree-gree" or "gri-gri" which means "charm." Thus a "gris-gris" bag is a "charm bag."
Mojo bags are little pouches, or tied off bits of cloth to form a pouch, with a magical purpose. They can contain any number of items such as; herbs, roots, seeds, stones, resins, and other natural elements. Each bag is made for a specific purpose.
Traditionally people would keep their mojo bags out of sight from others. The reason that people would the reason people would do this is because if another person touches it, the luck may be lost. (though I personally have never had that problem) Still, some prefer to keep to the traditions.
Each cloth bag is tied with a ribbon or cord and then sealed with wax to hold the magic in place. Do not open the bag no matter how tempted you may be, for it will undo the magic sealed inside. You can however smell the herbs contained within the bag without having to open it.
~Where and how to use your mojo bag~
They can be hung or placed anywhere inside your home, wherever you feel they would benefit you the most for their purpose. They can also be worn on your wrist, belt, in your purse, wherever is most comfortable to you. Used during ritual, or in a time when you feel you need their specific energies/influence. They can also be placed/hung outdoors. Some place them in the garden, or hung from trees.
Charms are used for many purposes, and can be powerful talismans.
You can charge your mojo bag whenever you feel it needs a bit of a boost by putting the proper oils on it (sparingly) or by letting the smoke from a smudge stick or smoke from the proper incense around the bag. How often you do this depends on how often you use the bag and to what extent. It is not necessary to do this though if you don’t feel the bag needs it.
Each bag is $5.00 + shipping
I currently have 6 Luck/Money bags (green clover bags)
3 Love bags (red bags)
2 Protection bags (black bags)
2 Protection from Nightmares bags (purple blue bags)
**I can make custom mojo bags for a specific intent/purpose. Send me a message telling me what it is you need it for if you are interested in getting a custom mojo bag made.
Let me know if you have questions on any of the products or would like to request a custom order. I would be more than happy to help.