Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Kitchen Witchery

I hope everyone is having fun getting ready for the big dinner tomorrow! What traditions does your family like to keep? Anyone trying any new dishes this Thanksgiving? I am cooking a big traditional Thanksgiving dinner for my family. Big turkey, cornbread stuffing, candied yams, cranberry sauce, yeast rolls, mashed potatoes, beets, 2 pies.. I think that's it. I love cooking big meals. This is a great time to let your inner kitchen witch take over.

Color values of food:
Red food: eat for energy, passion, and fire oriented goals.
Green food: consume for hope, happiness, steady growth, and abundance
Orange food: enjoy for developing friendships, new skills, and alertness
Yellow food: nibble to strengthen faith, communication skills, and creativity.
White food: internalize for lunar energy, purity, and insightfulness.


Basil- keeping the peace at home
Clove- Protection
Fennel- Strength and renewal
Ginger- zeal
Mint- decreasing negativity
Nutmeg- psychism
Rosemary- health
Sage- cleansing
Vanilla- increased energy, perspectives

Kitchen Witch Numerology:
*1- unity, accord, attention. Also the self and now (current situations, not future ones) One Item that is completely focused on a specific type of energy.
*2- choices, a crossroads. Also symmetry and balance.
*3- body, mind spirit equation. Fortitude. A great number for kitchen witches. (after all, three’s a charm!)
*4- earth energy, foundation, security,. Financial matters and mundane issues.
*5- psychic abilities, insight. Adaptability.
*6- tenacity. Completing what you start with a flair.
*7- Lunar energy. Diversity and inner vision. Healing.
*8- command, logic (a double earth number). personal change.
*9- karma, the law of three, giving yourself to others.
*10- completion. The rational balance of five.

Charts above were taken from

The kitchen witch companion: simple and sublime culinary magic-By Patricia Telesco

More spices:
Oregano - peace, happiness, tranquility, good luck, health and protection
Thyme - water, health, healing, sleep, psychic powers and awareness, purification, love, and courage
Baking powder - raising energy
Salt - purification, cleansing
Flour -  protection, spirituality
Bay Leaf- Protection, Psychic Powers, Healing, Purification, Strength.
Dried Basil- Love, Exorcism, Wealth, Flying, Protection.
Garlic Pepper- Protection, Healing, Exorcism, Lust, Anti- Theft
Pepper- Protection, Exorcism.
Cinnamon – love
Cardamom – love
Coriander – love
Turmeric – protection
Yeast-raising energy, grounding
Baking Powder/Soda-raising energy, helping to give projects an extra push
Rosemary-memory, spirituality
Sage-calling good spirits, purification,protection,banishing negativity
Ginger-good health,money,love
Nutmeg- protection

Meats and Dairy

1. Pork- grounding
2. Beef- grounding, prosperity
3. Chicken- health
4. Turkey- family energy, generosity
5. Fish- psychic awareness, water energy, abundance
6. Shellfish- rebirth, water energy
7. Milk- Goddess energy, nurturing
8. Cheese- joy, health, transformation
9. Butter- smoothing relationships, transformation
10. Eggs- fertility, spirituality

Fruits and Vegetables
1. Apples – Goddess energy, spirituality, love, fall magick, prosperity, immortality
2. Strawberries – Luck, love
3. Lemon- God Energy, cleansing, purification
4. Pineapple- Friendship, luck
5. Blackberry- Prosperity
6. Onions – Protection, earth energy
7. Potatoes – Grounding, health, earth energy
8. Spinach- Prosperity, strength, money, health
9. Carrot- Grounding, clear vision, fertility
10. Mushrooms – Psychic awareness, visions, fae magick
11. Corn - longevity, The Wheel of Time
12. Broccoli- protection, strength, leadership
13. Raisins--Dreams, Visions, Fertility
14. Peas--Love, Goddess
15. Cabbage-  promotes fertility, wealth and good luck
16. Tomatoes- inspires love when eaten. The plant itself repels evil and is used in protection spells
17. Potatoes- grounding and protection
18. Green beans- grounding


1. Wine- Love, joy
2. Red wine- solar energy, love, health
3. White wine- moon energy
4. Champagne- Lust, love, commitment
5. Milk- Nurturing, love
6. Coffee- mental powers, energy
7. Beer- protection, physical strength

Bread- prosperity which also contains yeast and flour, so it is also good for raising energy, grounding, protection, and spirituality.
Cookies - maternal instinct, nurturing
Popcorn - lifting of spirits, lightheartedness
Syrup - tree magick

So here is how the Thanksgiving meal I am preparing would break down.
I am cooking one turkey.

Thyme - water, health, healing, sleep, psychic powers and awareness, purification, love, and courage
Salt - purification, cleansing
Bay Leaf- Protection, Psychic Powers, Healing, Purification, Strength.
Dried Basil- Love, Exorcism, Wealth, Flying, Protection.
(there may be a few other herbs or spices but that is the gist of it)
*1- unity, accord, attention. Also the self and now (current situations, not future ones) One Item that is completely focused on a specific type of energy.

1 apple pie
1. Apples – Goddess energy, spirituality, love, fall magick, prosperity, immortality
(numerology same as above)

1 pumpkin pie which to me pumpkins symbolize harvest, fall, protection, giving thanks but it also has all the attributes of the spices that go into making a pumpkin pie

Mashed potatoes
butter - smoothing relationships and transformation
milk - nurturing, love
salt - purification, cleansing
potatoes- grounding and protection

Candied yams
Maple syrup- tree magic
butter- smoothing relationships and transformation
Yams- fertility, grounding

Stuffing (which mine happens to be corn bread stuffing)
Bread- prosperity which also contains yeast and flour, so it is also good for raising energy, grounding, protection, and spirituality.
Corn - longevity, The Wheel of Time
(and then there are all the spices involved in the stuffing)

The yeast rolls would be
Bread- prosperity which also contains yeast and flour, so it is also good for raising energy, grounding, protection, and spirituality.
Yeast-raising energy, grounding
butter- smoothing relationships and transformation

are red so eat for energy, passion, and fire oriented goals.

Cranberry sauce is red as well so they have the same things as above but they also represent holidays to me, abundance, love, health (antioxidants), and giving thanks.

Does that help sort of break down what food products are good for what and why? Some things it is pretty easy to figure out why some things are good for something just based upon its shape, smell, uses… others are a bit difficult. In the end it is all about what it means to you, what it makes you feel. If you want to use something for protection that is not related to protection on the list, but you feel it should be, then do so. A lot of magick is doing what feels right. Just because something is not associated with a matter does not mean it cannot be substituted and used in place of another food or herb. Go with your gut and experiment.
The list above is a very small list compared to all of the things out there one can use. It is just to give you an idea on some of the things you may use everyday or be using during this season.

Another thing that you could also do is turn your dining room table center piece into a harvest altar. Collecting things that remind you of fall, harvests, friends, abundance. Candles or other decorative things are wonderful to use.
Creating your own prayer to the Gods to give them thanks for your crops, family, friends, and the things you have in this life. Sometimes it is the little things that matter and taking the time to stop from your busy life, cooking a meal rather than going out to eat, and writing your own prayer has more meaning to it and brings more joy into your life than one may think.
Magic is around us every day we just have to open our eyes and see it.

The holidays are sometimes very stressful for some. We are currently in the Pre-Retrograde phase so it might be a bit easier to get agitated at one another. We just have to remember that we are all gathering together because we want to, not because we have to. That we are thankful for what we have, which includes your brother, sister, mother in law who you just got in a fight with. One fight does not need to ruin a meal. Set aside your differences, put away your battle swords and daggers. Tonight is a night for joy, happiness, community, and harmony.

Blessed be on this Thanksgiving to all who read!
~Lotus M.